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Andrea Precilla Killian was born in Ecuador on the 18th day of January of 1984. Ecuador being a third world country stunted her growth in the study of the arts. She acquired her college degree from "La Escuela Superior Politecnica Del Litoral" in Graphic Design but it wasn't sufficient to let go of her so called "American Dream"!! So as soon as the opportunity presented it self, she did not hesitate. Although, this will sound familiar, it wasn't what she expected!

During this time a passion for Photography emerged. This lead her to freelance for events such as Weddings, Sweet Fifteens, First Comunions, Barmitzvas and many more. Eventually landing her a spot on a photography team for a well known Ecuadorian Newspaper, "El Noticiero Universo". This allowed her to publish in newspapers in New Jersey, New York and even in Europe.

Her distinctive style, which combines Graphic Design and Photography has put her, a cut above the rest and has earned her great recognition and a place in the world of Photography!


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